Skills for Back-End Developers

10 Skills to Become a Backend Developer in 2023

How important a role of a backend developer is.

Today Back end developers become the backbone of web developers & the role of back-end developers is in very highly demanded in a large number of companies. A Backend Developer is basically responsible for the writing of backend codes & also while the user triggers any particular action. In this article, we discussed 10 Skills to Become a Backend Developer in 2023.

They are also responsible for working behind the curtains, like integrations, logic, & APIs all are taken care of by back-end developers.

A successful path in backend development will start from the base itself which is depth knowledge of the program & will go along to the projects. It’s not compulsory to follow the same strategies. Many skill sets define your career as a backend developer and those are fundamental ones. 

10 Essential Skills for Back-End Developers

1. Back-End Programming Language

In this field, the coding language is the base and you need to be strong in coding languages.

If your programming language is good then it creates a solid frame & connectivity via servers. The outputs & the functionality will work if you are good in the Backend Developer programming language.

There are three major languages that you have to be strong in if you really want to be a backend developer which is used in IT firms.

2. Knowledge of Front-End Technology

Front-end technology, it requires basic skills for this role. It requires mainly three languages to master in it

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

In coding, the programmer needs to have the capability to command computers for communicating and also for applying different algos. You need to be good at basic command languages to become a good web developer. 

While working on the Backend Developer languages they are the pillars of the websites while writing codes. 

3. Knowledge of Backend Frameworks

Once you decide how to work on the project & in which language you need to brush up your skills with the framework. The framework is the backbone of the programming language on which you are doing the work. 

There are some frameworks that you need to consider while working as a back-end developer:

  • NodeJs
  • ExpressJs
  • Django

4. Version Control System

Version Control System is also known as the source control because it is also responsible for any changes that are done from time to time. It tracks every single modification of codes in a database. Here are 3 most popular version control systems for Backend Developer:

5. Knowledge of Databases

When you are working on a project & the storage of data is very important as they carry a large amount of information. So, it is very important to have a good command of the database. To handle the database mainly developers use the: 

  • MySQL
  • SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB

6. Knowledge of API

Application Programming Interface responsible for establishing the connections between different applications. Backend developers use these APIs to initiate connections between different applications to reach the user experience.

Here are the most popular APIs among the back-end developers:

  • JSON
  • SOAP
  • REST
  • GSON

7. Server Handling

As you know that Backend Developer are responsible for performing the back side of the coding part, like working behind the curtains, integrations, logic, & APIs all are taken care of by back-end developers.  So they must have a great command over handling the server. 

A server is basically a cloud system that will provide all the important or useful information and also it offers services like file storage, database, and security to different systems that are connected to the same network.  

All the details and the information stored in the server are responsible for recovering, rearranging, stored information. Here are 2 major best tools for server handling :

  • Docker
  • Kubernetes

8. DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms)

In backend development, it is important to be a good command of DSA, because it forms the base for modifying, organizing & accessing the data in the program.  Data Structures and Algorithms help to make the code more optimized & efficient.

9. Problem-Solving

Keep a check on the website, If it is working in a proper manner or not. So if you really have the passion for becoming a full back-end developer then you need to improve your problem-solving skills as much as you can.

10. Communication Skills

Communication is the base of this job because you have to work on multiple projects with different colleague developers. It’s a task where you need to focus if you don’t focus then things can get damaged. 

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